December is here and will quickly fly by. If you have marketing budget dollars to spend before the year’s end, you are feeling the pressure. We’ve put together a list of quick, effective marketing investments for you to consider.
1. Invest in JCN Advertising. Not only is JCN the ideal for reaching a very specific Jewish audience, and easy to measure; you can have them live within minutes using your corporate credit card. Be sure to follow best practices. Contact a JCN agent today to get the latest best practice and for general advice about your upcoming ad campaign.
2. Reach out to your database. Send an end-of-year email to your customers and prospects. Be sure the message is not too sales-oriented…offer valuable information such as tech tips and industry news. Or simply say thank you for their business. Have not been keeping up with your database? Use December to update your records, determine ways to segment your target audiences, and perhaps begin plans for a 2018 quarterly newsletter. The JCN prides itself on technology for business stance. Speak to an agent and get your database and marketing tools in order.
3. Start a blog. December is a great time to set up the back-end mechanics of your new company blog (which would launch in 2018). These include creating a WordPress account and feeding that account into your website. Your blog should match the look and feel of your website, which likely means a small amount of creative work. The JCN team are WordPress enthusiasts and can help you get your blog live in no time.
4. Refresh content on your website. Conduct a head-to-toe sweep of your website, updating messages and improving your writing (active voice, tighten phrases, etc.). While looking through your site, uncover lead acquisition opportunities, such as existing white papers and presentations, and post them behind short forms for web visitors to complete. TREW Marketing writers/editors can be a great resource for this work.
5. Thank your staff. Has your team gone above and beyond to meet their goals this year? Be sure they are recognized for their efforts. This can range from the very simple, such as bringing in bagels and coffee for a surprise treat, to gift certificates or a formal holiday/appreciation event. An appreciated team will be a motivated team for you in 2018.
6. Gather 2018 marketing plan feedback from an expert. This is an ideal time to bring in a JCN marketing consultant as a sounding board for your 2018 plans. During the one or two-day session, we review goals, major marketing campaigns, core messages, and investment by media. We uncover ways to strengthen your messages, integrate innovative marketing tactics, and measure impact and success.
Contact us below and put your December and 2018 marketing plans in motion.