
Email marketing is now stronger than ever

Email marketing sometimes gets less attention than other forms of marketing. Whereas banners are literally flashy, and Instagram has the publicly measurable followers and likes, email marketing is the more modest of the bunch.

And yet it is still one of the most effective form of marketing.

It gets delivered straight to people’s inbox, where everything else is just being blasted on third party platforms.

It can be personalized with specific info about a particular recipient.

And it gives you analytics on the individual level, allowing you to zero in on your best clients. This last point is huge.

A strategy we recommend following an email blast, is to review the open rates and follow up with the people who interacted with the emails the most. When reviewing the individuals who read your emails, you’ll often find a few people who have opened the email multiple times. Could there be a better indication of interest than that?

So follow up. Send a separate email blast just to those people. If you have their number, consider giving them a phone call. You’re essentially remarketing to your email blast, and it’s a great way to hone in on where things are working best.

At the Jewish Content Network, we offer a variety of email lists you can target to bolster your own email marketing efforts. Click here to browse our publishers and get in touch today to build an email marketing package that’s right for you.