Five months ago, Boruch Goldberger of BIG Marketing and I launched a campaign to sign up 18K women before they light candles on Friday.
Our goal is for everyone to donate $1 every week to Bonei Olam.
This project was a challenge. During the last five months, we have been pushing this campaign consistently.
Every single week coming out with something different, marketing it again and again. When we had a slow period, we had to come up with different ideas to drive it up again.
We didn’t let ourselves stop. We committed to getting 18,000 donors. We don’t know how long it’s going to take, but weren’t going to stop.
When we first floated this concept to people within the organization, they didn’t think it was possible. Fast forward to today, the campaign is generating $18,000 a week.
There is a power to being persistent. Dream big. Don’t give up. And, as in the case of Bonei Olam, you can make miracles happen.
Chayale Kaufman is the CEO of the Jewish Content Network.
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